Video can be a very compelling way to reach audiences, but like any medium you use, it needs to reflect the brand. To sum up, University videos should:
- advance the University’s brand by applying brand standards, including standard University typeface and standard University color palette.
- be of high quality and reflect the University’s status as an innovative, research-led institution.
- be produced in the appropriate technical specification for effective archiving, distributing, and broadcasting/streaming.
- not render the University liable for any legal actions arising from their production and/or distribution.
Clear branding on visual materials is crucial in conveying our identity to external audiences. This section provides clear guidelines and examples on how to incorporate appropriate logos in the videos produced by HKUST, HKUST(GZ), and their constituent units.
The Abbreviated University Combination Logo or the University Emblem should appear on the top right corner throughout the whole video. Select the English, Chinese, or Bilingual Abbreviated University Combination Logo according to the language of the content.
Each video should also prominently feature the Standard University Combination Logo (static or animated) during the closing shot.Select the English, Chinese, or Bilingual Standard University Combination Logo according to the language of the content.
Clear branding on visual materials is crucial in conveying our identity to external audiences. This section provides clear guidelines and examples on how to incorporate appropriate logos in the videos produced by HKUST, HKUST(GZ), and their constituent units.
For constituent units with their own abbreviated logo, they should display both the Abbreviated University Combination Logo and their abbreviated logo at the top right corner of the video with a division line in between.
If the constituent unit's abbreviated logo already contains the University's full or abbreviated name and/or the University Emblem, only their abbreviated logo should appear on the top right. Select the English, Chinese, or Bilingual Abbreviated University Combination Logo according to the language of the content.
For the closing shot, they should display both the Standard University Combination Logo and their full logo with a division line in between for the closing shot. Select the English, Chinese, and Bilingual Abbreviated University Combination Logo according to the language of the content.
For videos produced for cross-campus use between HKUST and HKUST(GZ), only the University Emblem should be featured on the top right corner of the video.
The closing shot should feature the Standard University Combination Logos (static or animated) of both campuses. Select the English, Chinese, or Bilingual Abbreviated University Combination Logo according to the language of the content.
To maintain a consistent brand image, all fonts and colors featured in the video should follow the guidelines stated in the previous sections on the Standard University Content Typeface and the Standard University Color Palette.
- All videos should be in HD format. Video output is to be well lit; avoid any darkness on-screen that creates difficulty seeing the subject.
- Any graphics used must be professional, appropriate and necessary to convey the message.
- When using images from stock photo banks, or existing works of art or footage, make sure that all these are checked beforehand to avoid breaching any copyright laws.
- If you are using music in your video, either use copyright-free music or make sure that you are complying with all relevant copyright legislation.
- English subtitles should be in the font type of Avenir Next (Medium) and font size of 50.
- Traditional Chinese subtitles should be in the font type of 黑體 and font size of 50.
- Simplified Chinese subtitles should be in the font type of 思源黑体 – 简体中文版 and font size of 50.